Saubermacher – The Nature Photographer of the
Year 2022 - Photocontest
In 2022, naturArt, the Hungarian Association of Nature Photographers, will announce the most prominent national nature photography competition in Hungary and the region for the 30th time. The competition aims to present the natural values of our country, the Carpathian Basin ecoregion and our Earth, its extraordinary wildlife, landscapes, and rare moments of nature through photography, and through this to help nature conservation and education, to shape society’s perception and to develop its aesthetic appreciation.
In 1989, right after the regime change, the Association of Hungarian Nature Photographers, NaturArt was founded.
The founders believed – and the association’s current members also share this idea – that there is a great need for a nature photographer association, which colligates, nurses and maintains the traditions of the Hungarian nature photography, gives opportunities to ambitions and which sets the course in the ethical nature photography.
Our Organization
NaturArt is an open organization, anyone can join who deserves the right with his or her photos.
Our current membership of around 70 members contain the most successful nature photographers in Hungary.
We have been organizing for the 30th time the biggest local nature photography contest, the Nature Photographer of the Year competition.
We were the first in the World in 2006 to introduce the totally transparent jury process, which is open and live on the Internet, which was followed from 15 countries this year.
The news of the award ceremony in November is always on front page in the media, this year we reached about 3 million people.
Nature Photography Festival
Our yearly traditional event is the NaturArt Nature Photo Festival, where among our international recognised members, we could welcome some world stars such as Sandra Bartocha, Sergey Gorshkov, Dorin Bofán, Bágyi Ferenc, Javier Aznar.
Board members
Péter Fáth
Dr. Ferenc Fodor
Vice – President
Tibor Dombovári
Dr. Zsolt Kalotás
Balázs Kármán
Kata Kőműves
Supporters - Partners
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